English Title: Seven Samurai
Kanji: 七人の侍 Romanized: Shichinin no Samurai
Year: 1954 (Japan) 1956 (US)
Country of Origin: Japan
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNqQXC8Tv8U
Plot Summary: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047478/
You know how black-and-white movies are usually boring? Well this one isn’t. I’m not gonna bore you with the ‘film critic’ type of reviewing but I thought this movie is a really good example of how an epic-action movie should be. You’ve got different characters trying to fulfill their own arcs through this mess they call their life, all taking place at once. Kurosawa managed to put them all together into smooth transition. I don’t know if that makes any sense to you but for a black-and-white film, I really like this one. It has nice samurai fighting scenes going on here too. If you like this movie, I recommend Ran and 47 Ronin. That reminds me of The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise. You can’t fucking make a samurai-themed movie with an American as the main character. Come on.