Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Watch Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol Online

The main purpose of a mainstream Hollywood film is to tell you, the viewer, a
story. But though all mainstream films are based around a plot or narrative
idea and contain various scenes and sequences all of which contribute to the
overall story, on a more fundamental level all films can be boiled down to just
two core building blocks: the shot and the cut. As such, the use of camera and
editing are crucial elements of moving image language. In the sections that
you can link to below, we will explore both in closer detail.
Clips mentioned in this section are not available to view on the website but are readily
available to buy or rent from the usual outlets.
As cinema first evolved in the early 20th century, a particular style of shooting and editing geared
towards making film narratives easier to understand developed. This became known as the
continuity style and from the very outset, it proved popular with both filmmakers themselves and
with audiences. The continuity style has since become the moving image’s most conventional and
dominant mode of visual storytelling.
The most important aspect of this particular style is that it encourages you the viewer to become
enthralled and captivated by a story but actively discourages you from consciously noticing the
editing and camera techniques that are being used to tell it.
The continuity style deliberately sets out to make the camera, camerawork and editing invisible or,
at the very least, unobtrusive. Watch Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol Online The events on screen seem to take place within a world of their own.
They look as though they have simply been captured by some kind of unseen observer, who just
happened to be watching and recording the action from convenient and suitable positions or
angles. This is the key to the continuity style; its ability to tell a story whilst at the same time hiding
the storytelling mechanisms themselves.
You, the audience member, are drawn into the narrative. You feel as if you are seeing the story
unfolding onscreen. The techniques are deliberately used in order to effect precisely the right
emotional response in you and at the right moment. The result is seamless and engaging
storytelling and great filmmaking can really make us feel as if we are actually participating in an

Watch Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol Online

Watch Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol Online